Silverton, Colorado Elopement - Ryan & Liz

There is a beautiful stretch of paved road within the San Juan Mountains in Southwest Colorado, you may have heard of it, it's been dubbed the Million Dollar Highway. When planning your Colorado adventure elopement keep this area in mind! From Durango head straight North on Highway 550 and as the pavement rises from the Animas River valley floor the views expand dramatically. You might think you've seen the best as you crest the top of Coalbank Pass, but you may be mistaken; the road quickly rises back up to gain the summit of Molas Pass before dropping into Silverton, and at that point you've seen about half of the views. Colorado elopement photographers rejoice whenever a prospective client mentions wanting to get married in this area. When Ryan and Liz called us regarding their plans to elope in Colorado we got very excited about the possibilities! After a few planning discussions, the vision of their unique Colorado elopement package became clear. We decided to do a little bit of 4-wheeling and took advantage of two different vistas within close proximity of one another for what might have been one of the most beautiful elopement photography galleries we have ever put together! This mission was quintessentially adventure elopement photography and we are stoked to have been a part of it. After enjoying the high country we quickly descended from above treeline in order to avoid the rapidly gathering storm clouds. The day was then celebrated with a beer at Avalanche Brewing Company in downtown Silverton. What an excellent day. 

If you would like to plan your adventure elopement with us please reach out!


Arches National Park, Utah Elopement - Cody & Lacey